
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Writing Rampage

I like to take mundane-sounding things and add the word "rampage" to them to liven them up. For example, right now I'm having a writing rampage where I write and write and write (and check Facebook and Twitter) and write!

I've asked my friends what kinds of rampaging they like. Most everyone likes a sleeping rampage. I imagine a sleeping rampage would consist of sleeping for more than 12 hours consecutively or possibly death (In both instances you'd be dead to the world).

If you are someone who collects 128,298,593 stamps you would be on a stamp collecting rampage. STAMPCOLLECTINGRAMPAGE! ("Stampage" for short?) And if you found someone who's collected 128,298,594 stamps you'd go on an actual rampage because obviously you wanted to be top-dog in the collecting stamps business and you have FAILED :(

I sometimes go on unintentional falling/tripping rampages.

I could really use a vacation rampage.

Some people tell me I should go on a shut up rampage where I shut up about things. Unlikely

What kind of mundane-sounding rampages would you like to go on?