
Sunday, March 29, 2020

I've got Netflix now, so let's start blogging again!

It's been a very, very, very, very long time since I've blogged on here. Longer than I've realized. But I'm back because Netflix exists.

Let me explain.

I used to write these "madcap recaps" of the ABC TV show Once Upon A Time and post them on my blog. They were so much fun, and I loved doing them it. Eventually I got too busy to spend an hour or two writing up recaps and making memes for each episode, let alone watch the show on a regular basis.

Fast forward a few years (like, 7).

I'm scrolling through Netflix, adding stuff to my watch list, like you do when you're indecisive on what to watch at the moment, and come across Once Upon A Time (OUAT, as the fans would call it). I COULD WATCH THE FIRST EPISODE! I could start from the beginning and write my madcap recaps.

I imagine, since the show has been over for two or three years, nobody is going to care about reading an episode review, but it's fun so I'm gonna do it!

But first I have to go back to reread some of the other ones I've written. I'm excited!

Welcome back to Storybrooke! Rumplefuggly has been expecting you...