Sharing Ultrasound Photos on Facebook
The thing to do on Faceboook nowadays is document every second
of your pregnancy from conception (okay, maybe not conception) to birth and
beyond. For young mothers, Facebook has become a digital baby scrapbook. And
while I do think that the kid pictures are cute and I enjoy seeing most of
them, I think some people overdo it when they start posting photos of the baby
before he or she is even born.
In my opinion, ultrasound pictures should be shared with
family and close friends in person. You should go over to a person’s house and
hand them the photograph and share a
moment of happiness. For something so personal and special and important in one’s
life, it’s rather impersonal to upload the photo publicly on one of the world’s
largest websites.
My brain works differently from other more maternal females.
My first thought when I see an ultrasound isn’t, Aww, how cute! It’s, We’ll,
now I know what the inside of your uterus looks like. And maybe that’s
because it just feels so impersonal viewing someone’s personal life on your
computer screen if all you are is an acquaintance (like a high school classmate
or former coworker).
Maybe I’m the only one with this opinion. Maybe I’m just lamenting
the fact that the atmosphere of Facebook has changed drastically since I became
a user in 2005. I really enjoyed it as a place for just college students to
connect with their friends and classmates. It wasn’t a place to push political
agendas, fight with exes, or send millions of game requests. It was a place to
write inside jokes on friends’ walls, ask classmates what you missed in class,
and poke people just because it was something you could do even though it was
pointless. And I like having a little pointless fun in my life.
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